Tuesday, December 7, 2010
December 05, 2010In response to the article posted by the UMD (United Macedonian Diaspora) (http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/524/1) and written by a leading member of the UMD´s operations in Australia, Dame Krcoski:
The Australian Macedonian Advisory Council (AMAC) is disappointed, but not surprised at the attack on a Winthrop Professor from the Classics & Ancient History department (University of Western Australia), Professor Melville-Jones, for his honest address in our quarterly newsletter. The professor is 1 of 7 Australian classics academics to have signed the Macedonia Evidence Petition (see http://macedonia-evidence.org/). The Petition has now been signed by 367, mostly non-Greek, academics world-wide, in order to preserve and protect Macedonian history from FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).
Dame Krcoski (from UMD Australia) states that....
"What concerns us (UMD) deeply though is that a Professor of a respectable research based university such as UWA has published an opinion piece in the ´American Chronicle´ based on no evidence." In other words, the 367 classics academics who have signed the Macedonia Evidence petition (mentioned above), and all agree with Prof. Melville-Jones on the Hellenic identity of Macedonia, is based on no evidence? He continues by stating that "the term ´FYROM´ is considered derogatory and very offensive in the eyes of the Macedonians. May we add that 129 countries worldwide including the U.S.A, Russia, UK and China recognise my native country under its constitutional name the Republic of Macedonia." Mr. Krcoski seems to have forgotten to mention that although 129 countries do recognize BILATERALLY his native country as ´Macedonia´, it is also pending to a solution between Greece and FYROM, and that these countries will immediately revert to a compromised name. More importantly however, he fails to mention that all international institutions such as the UN, NATO and the EU refer to his native country as ´FYROM´, as does Australia (BILATERALLY). So what is Mr. Krcoski complaining about?
In addition, the same author from UMD Australia, Dame Krcoski, who protests allegedly about ´insulting and racist comments´, as well as ´humiliation and discriminatory views´, on his facebook page
(http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo321/zratak/krcoski1.gif, http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo321/zratak/krcoski2.gif) coins the Hellenic Republic with racist and defamatory terms such as "HELL-ASS"! Did the same leading member of UMD Australia, who complained about ´insulting and racist comments´, HIMSELF use the name "HELL-ASS" against Greece? Did he also announce the water polo match between FYROM - Greece with the following racist remark ´Macedonia welcome the HELL-ASS polo team in Skopje, March 2010´?
AMAC is appalled by the response of UMD Australia who attempts to tarnish the name of a hugely respected Australian classics academic, while disseminating racist and defamatory statements whenever given the opportunity to do so.
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